After releasing her debut EP Fleshy in 2017 ML Buch released her first full-length album Skinned (July 3, 2020, Anyines) that takes her expansive guitar work and catchy melodies to another territory. With her unique experimental pop and vocals that seem to slide into your ears as fluorescent liquid, ML Buch portrays the reality of intimacy in a digital era. Working primarily with synthetic midi sounds, the general love of songwriting and guitar music is ever present. The album comes with an extensive visual side in the form of five music videos acting as tableaus that echo the encounter between screens and skin and how the senses wriggle, flutter and weave in and out of our online presence and intimate lives.

As if in search for something real, ML Buch takes the listener on the other side of the skin. Led by tender love songs like I’m A Girl You Can Hold IRL and Can’t Get Over You With You we journey through her throat and into her intestines, discovering a fascinating realm of shiny mucus and bile in flesh and yellowish colors. Panoramic images were captured by a small pill camera travelling through the body of ML Buch and act as extensions of the architecture of the music. This literal way of internalizing modern technology is symbolic of Skinned where eclectic instrumental compositions share the space with strong hooks and ML Buch’s spherical voice.


Can You Hear My Heart Leave, I’m A Girl You Can Hold IRL, Can’t Get Over You With You, Stone Bridge, Sap, Boarding, Mw composed by ML Buch
Touching Screens, O and I Feel Like Giving You Things composed by ML Buch and Oliver Nehammer

All lyrics by ML Buch

Viola on Stone Bridge: Astrid Sonne
Bass on Can You Hear My Heart Leave, Touching Screens and Mw: Johan Polder
Drums on Touching Screens and Mw: Kristof Gasior
Midi drums and keys on Touching Screens: Oliver Nehammer

Produced by ML Buch and Oliver Nehammer
Mix by ML Buch, Oliver Nehammer & Jacob Brøndlund
Mastering by ET Mastering

Cover photo by David Stjernholm
Artwork by ML Buch and Aske Zidore

Skinned album website:

Anyines 2020

vinyl will be available some time in 2022